As MUD 500 previously reported to the Participants, in early July 2017, MUD 500’s wildlife management contractor caught and removed a 5’ 10” male alligator in the southern portion of MUD 500’s lakes. In early October 2017, MUD 500 received a report of a sighting of an additional approximately 3’ alligator near the outfall structure in the southeast portion of MUD 500’s lakes. As reported to the Participants at the time, MUD 500 obtained the required nuisance permit from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and instructed its contractor to attempt to locate and, if located, to remove the alligator. Despite repeated attempts, the contractor did not locate an alligator, and the nuisance permit expired. As directed by MUD 500, the contractor has continued weekly monitoring of the lakes to search for any evidence of additional alligators and to take steps to remove them if any are found.
On November 16, 2017, MUD 500 received a report of a sighting of two or three approximately 2’ alligators in the southwestern portion of MUD 500’s lakes, south of Tuckerton Road and west of Greenhouse Road. MUD 500 immediately notified its contractor to attempt to locate the alligators and, if located, to remove the alligators upon obtaining the required nuisance permit. Despite repeated attempts, the contractor did not locate an alligator.
On July 6, 2018, MUD 500 received a new report of a sighting of an approximately 5’ – 7’ alligator in the central portion of MUD 500’s lakes, south of the intersection of Towne Lake Parkway and Greenhouse Road, and east of Puckett Island. MUD 500 immediately notified its contractor to attempt to locate the alligator and, if located, to remove the alligator upon obtaining the required nuisance permit.
MUD 500 additionally has worked with the Towne Lake Community Association for the Association to install signage notifying residents and visitors of wildlife that may be located within the lakes, including alligators.
MUD 500 continues to request that residents report any sightings of alligators to its operator, Environmental Development Partners, at (832) 467-1599. MUD 500 also encourages your district to share this information with your residents.